Smoke Ventilation Systems & Residential Fire Sprinklers Contractors UK
BS9251:2021 was introduced in June 2021
BS9251:2021, Fire sprinkler systems for domestic and residential occupancies — Code of practice, covers design, installation, components, water supplies, maintenance and testing of residential sprinkler systems installed for the purpose of reducing risk to
life and minimizing the spread of fire
The 2021 standard is a full revision and replaces the 2014 standard. The Following are the main changes to the standard:
New Category 4
Introduction of a fourth category of system to cater for taller residential buildings (greater than
18 m) and higher risk scenarios.
Monitored Isolation Valves
All Isolation Valves on a sprinkler system should be electronically monitored to ensure the valve is in the fully open position
Enhanced Water Supply
Category 4 Systems and other situations as dictated require an enhanced water supply including two pumps, split tanks and back up power supplies
Revised Sprinkler Coverage
Increased Duration
Non Residential Areas
The New Standard revises the areas where sprinklers are not required providing further detail. A Main Change is that sprinklers are required in cupboards of any size that contain or are ready for electrical equipment excluding a single light fittings
Category 4 systems require a 60 minute duration of the water supply compared to 30 minutes for a Category 2 and 3 system
Guidance on how to provide suitable coverage to non residential and ancillary areas of predominantly residential buildings such as bin stores, plantrooms, small offices and retail areas